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World Headquarters

Hardstrasse 1
4133 Pratteln
Tel.: +41 61 716 3401
Welcome to ArchromaService
ArchromaService is a secure business to business web site for Archroma's business partners which provides a quick and easy means of doing business:
- Fast online order placement saves you time, adding value to your production planning
- Fast and easy access to a wealth of logistics information
- Fewer paper based processes
- A secure private exchange
- A reduction in the number of repetitive transactions - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week

- Easy order entry with immediate order response via email
- Individual order reporting and transparency
- Access to your invoices
- Access to order related documentation
- Stock management via telemetry systems
- Warehousing application
- Product Finder
- Document sharing

ArchromaService is available from any computer connected to the internet. No special software is required as the application is delivered via a web browser

Any Questions?
Contact your customer service representative
An easier way to do business with Archroma